January 15: The Word Was With God
John 1:1 (ESV)
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
The Constants of Life
Amidst the whirlwind of life’s trials—divorce, addiction, personal failures—two constants stand like immovable pillars. For me, those constants have always been Magic and Prayer. They’ve grounded me, brought me back to center, and reminded me of my purpose, even when I felt farthest from it.
Why is this important? Because in today’s Scripture, we encounter an even greater constant: The Word. The Word that was not only present at the beginning of creation but is eternally God Himself. It’s a truth that can steady us, transform us, and lead us into life abundant.
Let’s explore this passage and discover what it means for the Word to be with God and to be God—truth that brings clarity, redemption, and purpose to our lives.
The Eternal Nature of the Word
John 1:1 opens with a stunning declaration: “In the beginning was the Word.” John, inspired by the Holy Spirit, draws us back to Genesis 1:1, where the Bible begins with “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Here, John reveals that before creation, before time itself, the Word—Jesus—was there.
The Greek term used for "Word" is logos, a concept rich with meaning. For the Greeks, logos referred to the rational principle governing the universe. For the Jews, it pointed to God’s powerful speech, by which He created and sustained the world. John bridges these ideas, proclaiming that Jesus is not just the means of creation but the eternal Creator Himself.
Think about this: Jesus, the Word, existed before your first breath, your first mistake, your first heartbreak. He was there in the beginning, and He is with you now, sustaining and redeeming all things.
The Word Brings Light to Darkness
The Word is not a distant or abstract force; it is life-giving and active. John 1:4-5 says, “In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
Darkness often feels overwhelming, doesn’t it? There were seasons in my life when I felt like I was drowning in it. From a childhood shaped by a broken home to battles with addiction and a divorce I swore would never happen, darkness seemed inescapable. Yet, even in those moments, there was always a flicker of light—a grounding force that whispered hope.
For me, that light came through two seemingly unrelated things: Magic and Prayer. Magic helped me see the wonder and intricacy of God’s creation, while prayer reminded me that I was never navigating the storm alone. Like the Word, these constants shone light into my darkness, pointing me back to the One who holds all things together.
The Word Reveals God’s Nature
“The Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This profound truth reveals that Jesus is both distinct from the Father and yet fully divine. Through Him, we see the character of God—His love, justice, and grace—in human form.
Jesus shows us a God who is not distant or detached but deeply involved in our lives. As the Word made flesh, He entered our broken world, walked through our struggles, and provided a way back to the Father.
Looking back on my journey, I can see how Jesus—the Word—was at work even when I was far from Him. Whether through the prayers of others, the lessons learned on stage, or the quiet moments of surrender, He was revealing Himself to me, drawing me into His story of redemption.
Living in Light of the Word
What does it mean to live in light of the Word today? Here are three ways to apply this truth:
Anchor Yourself in the Eternal Word
Just as Jesus is unchanging, His Word—Scripture—is a constant source of guidance, hope, and truth. Spend time daily in the Bible, allowing its truths to shape your perspective and decisions.
Action Step: Start your day by reading John 1:1-14. Reflect on what it means for Jesus to be the Word in your life.
Let the Light Shine Through You
The Word’s light is meant to shine in the darkness—not just around us but within us. As you experience His transforming grace, let it flow through you to others.
Action Step: Identify one area of your life where God’s light needs to shine. Surrender it to Him in prayer.
Find Your Grounding in Prayer and Gratitude
Like Magic and Prayer have grounded me, find your constants in Christ. Through prayer, acknowledge His presence and thank Him for being the eternal Word who sustains you.
Action Step: Write a prayer of gratitude for who Jesus is—eternal, unchanging, and with you in every season.
The Word Never Fails
Picture this: You’re standing on a stage, the spotlight glaring, the applause deafening. For a moment, you feel invincible. But when the curtain falls, the silence can be deafening, and the weight of life’s struggles rushes back in. This was my reality for years—relying on fleeting moments of success to fill an eternal void.
But here’s the truth: the Word is not fleeting. It does not depend on applause, performance, or perfection. It is eternal, steadfast, and unchanging. And when you rest in it, you find a security and peace that no stage, no human approval, can offer.
The Word with You
The Word that was with God in the beginning is with you now. Jesus is not just a part of your story—He is the author, sustainer, and redeemer of it. Whatever darkness you face, whatever brokenness you carry, His light is stronger. His Word is sure.
Our Challenge to You….
Take a step deeper into the Word this month by joining the FaithLabz 30-Day Prayer Challenge. Discover how the eternal Word can transform your daily walk with God and anchor you in His truth. Let’s journey together!
Join the FaithLabz 30-Day Prayer Challenge to deepen your connection with God and grow in the knowledge of His holiness. Discover resources to help you live a life that honors Him.
Closing Prayer
Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Jesus, the eternal Word, to be with us. Help us to anchor our lives in Your unchanging truth and to let Your light shine through us. Teach us to trust You in every season, knowing that Your Word never fails. We surrender our darkness, our fears, and our struggles to You. Let Your Word transform us and lead us into the abundant life You promise. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
The song below was made to help you memorize today’s verse. You’ll notice the chorus of the song is the full scripture from today. Enjoy and God bless you, my friend.
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